Tweets by John Oliver
Last Week Tonight Opinion
by Author
Hello to all our new viewers who've encountered our 2019 segment on voting machines through conservative media using it to push Trump's voter-fraud claims! First: sorry we swear so much! But second: the way people are using that segment is horseshit!
Last Week Tonight Opinion
by Author
Thank you for watching the show this season. It’s been a truly terrible year, and we’re so happy we could continue to share at least a little bit of joy together. Including, but not limited to, blowing 2020 the fuck up.
Last Week Tonight Fact
by Author
All of this is true
Last Week Tonight Opinion
by Author
Here's our piece from last night about the attempt to overturn the results of the election, and why entertaining that is a very bad idea...
Last Week Tonight Fact
by Author
"Here's our piece from last night about our Asylum system, and how this administration has worked hard to make it even worse than it already was..."
Last Week Tonight Fact
by Author
"We're going on tour! Museums are struggling, so, in an effort to help, we’re going to pick five museums to host these fine works of art! We’ll be donating $10k to each museum, and $10k to a food bank in their area. Museums can Email to apply!"
Last Week Tonight Opinion
by Author
"When we needed someone everyone likes and trusts for our piece on conspiracies this summer, we knew the perfect choice was Alex Trebek, who was every bit as kind and generous with his time as you would hope.


This is just a sample webpage to demo our Fact and Opinion check feature suggestion for a Twitter Hackathon #Codechella20.